In My Back Yard
The view out the back door
A (Low) Tech Perspective


We Christians are not to worry about judgment (aargh! But we want to!). It will be taken care of ... it is the territory of God the father, the son to whom it is given (but who also did not concern himself with it while he was here), and the Spirit who reveals by recalling the words, works and wonder of Jesus. Matthew 11.20 records an interesting perspective on this: Jesus "began to denounce the cities in which most of His miracles were done, because they did not repent." ... Jesus doesn't look back wishing he'd taught more on sin: he knows his presence was enough to reveal (to judge) the clear difference between good and evil, and the many simply failed to respond. Contrast Peter in Luke 5 (s v.8), who does respond to the miracle of Jesus with a new awareness of his sin.

Jesus lets his words (John 12.47) and his works (Matt 11) be the standard, the plumb line by which we are judged. He is not concerned with naming our failures (unless we are part of the arrogant class who teach lies in the name of God): he is concerned with meeting us and throwing his arms open. We accept or reject this miracle.


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